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Please select from the payment options below which best suites you. There is a sibling discount available on all our Sports Courses when you book a full week.


  1. Payment must be made in full upon booking courses.

  2. You may cancel your booking without any charge within 7 days of you securing your place unless the course has already started. Outside of this period no refund can be given. Please note a booking can be transferred to another person without charge for the same course.

  3. During the 7 day period before a course starts if you realise your child may attend please speak with Ian and he will hold your place for the next course. N.B. Sports courses cannot be interchanged for Survival Courses.

  4. All courses, activities, venues are subject to change according to weather, programming and satisfactory level of numbers.

  5. We do not accept responsibility for any death, personal injury or loss of or damage to property other than to the extent that it results from our own negligence.

  6. The cost of any damage caused by you, your child or any other participant you have booked on the course, to any property, equipment or facilities will be passed on to you.

  7. We have a register policy and parents / carers MUST sign their child both in and out. To help this we ask that parents let instructors knowof any health issues that may affect a child’s enjoyment of the activities.

  8. At Evolution Fitness Training we believe that the most important aspects of the experience is that the child has fun, makes new friends and learns new skills that can be used in life. We address the issues of behaviour with the participants at the beginning of each course and during structured break times. We make children aware of important issues and respect to other people in life. Repeated behavior issues will be addressed with the parent and may result in cancellation of the rest of the course. This will be non-refundable.

  9. Please read our privacy policy for further information

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